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the whole gospel
for the
whole world

Preacher and Evangelist John Stott once said, "evangelization requires the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole world." How might God be calling you to bring good news to the billions of unreached peoples who have yet to hear of the saving work of Jesus?


the reality

your capacity

the opportunity


what is a UPG?

Did you know that there are more than 7,400 global people groups that are still considered unreached? These are people groups with no churches, no believers, no missionaries, and no one engaging them with the gospel.

how culturally
are you?

Cultural intelligence is essential for effective global mission.
If we are to love our neighbour as Jesus commanded, we must
first know how to relate to people of different cultures.
Cultural intelligence, then, enables us to move beyond the
tensions that may come from cultural misunderstandings and
toward fruitful engagement.

Image by Tamanna Rumee

Did you know there are many different culture types
through which people see and understand the world?

Awareness of basic culture types such as honour-shame,
guilt-innocence, and fear-power is vital to cross-cultural mission.

what is your 
culture type?

Jesus said, "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?" (Luke 14:28-29). The following quiz is designed to help you discern if you are ready for a life of cross-cultural missions. Have you counted the cost? 

how ready are you for cross-cultural


do you own a globe
as a
prayer tool?

Globes make fantastic prayer tools! Having a globe helps to keep the nations of the world in front of us and to visualize where in the world they are located, their people, their unique needs, and their cultural and geographical beauty.

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